Engleza, întrebare adresată de ovidiuichim45, 8 ani în urmă

4 Write questions with be.
1 Are you David?
1 you/David?
2 we/ in English class?
3 it/ cold today?
4 the school/big?
5 you/eleven?
6 the teachers / children?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Maria3andreea4
1. Are you David?
2. Are we in English class?
3. Is it cold today?
4. Is the school big?
5. Are you eleven?
6. Are the teachers children?
Răspuns de alessiamunteanu11
1are you david?
2 are we in English class?
3 is it cold today?
4 is the school big?
5are you eleven?
6 nu stiu
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