Engleza, întrebare adresată de Fulger12345678, 7 ani în urmă

5.a) Fill in SOME or ANY: A: I'm hungry. Is there 1)_ __soup left? B: Sorry, no, there isn't 2)_____ soup, but there is 3). rice and vegetables. Or would you like 4)_________ pizza? A: GRAMMAR TIME Oh, yes! I'd love 5) ________ I'm thirsty, too. Is there 6) in the fridge? B: No, there isn't 7) there is 8) rice and vegetables. apple juice ____ apple juice left, but, lemonade. Would you like 9) ? A: No, thanks. I don't like lemonade. B: How about 10) A: Yes, please. sparkling water? 5.b) Replace the underlined words, then write a similar dialog. Talk to your deskmate, using the following prompts. 1. roast chicken - lamb stew - sandwiches orange juice - iced tea - soda 2.apple pie-chocolate cake - pudding - coffee-smoothie - still water​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dianalupu779

l.A: I'm hungry.Is there any soup left?

B:Sorry,no,there isn't any soup,but there is some rice and vegetables.Or would you like some pizza?

A:Oh,yes!I'd love some.I'm thirsty too.Is there any apple juice in the fridge?

B:There is some apple juice left,but,lemonade.Woulf you like?

A:No,thanks.I don't like lemonade.

B: How about sparkling water?


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