Engleza, întrebare adresată de toparcianandrei, 8 ani în urmă

5. Complete the sentences so they are true for you with the correct form of will or be going to. After this class, my classmates and 1. are going to have lunch... 2 At the weekend, I..... 3 Next summer, my family 4 When I go to university, I think ...... 5 I'm sure ..... before I get married or have children. repede va rog​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de realcata01


1 After this class, my classmates and i are going to have lunch.

2 At the weekend, I am going to my friend's house.

3. Next summer,my family and i will go on vacation.

4.When i go to university,I think i'll have to put more focus on learning.

5. I'm sure i will get a job before i get married or have children.

(At the weekend nu este corect gramatical, poti folosi In the weekend,Next Weekend,The following weekend.)

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