Engleza, întrebare adresată de handcapetion, 8 ani în urmă

Complete the sentences with the correct
form of used to and the verb in brackets.
1 My grandparents
(tell) me
stories about fairies and elves when I was little.
2 1 ...
(not/travel) by car
because I ....
(get) sick all
the time.
3 Where
....... (you/go) on
holiday when you were a child?
4 He .......
(live) in the city
before he retired to the country.​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de miha6154


1. My grandparents used to tell me stories about fairies and elves when I was little.

2. I didn't use to travel by car because I used to get sick all the time.

3. Where did you use to go on holiday when you were a child?

4. He used to live in the city before he retired to the country.


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