Engleza, întrebare adresată de temascoala123456788, 8 ani în urmă

5 Complete the sentences with the present
perfect or past simple form of the verbs
in brackets.
1 She has ... (live) in Tenerife for five years.
She loves it there.
2 My brother ... (go) to England last summer.
He had a great time.
3 My friends ... (not be) to Italy. They want to
go there next year.
4 ... you ... (buy) any souvenirs when you were
in Paris?
5 1... (not see) the new film. Is it good?
6 We're going to be late. The plane leaves in
three hours and we ... (not pack) our suitcases!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Complete the sentences with the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets.



1 She has lived in Tenerife for five years. She loves it there.

  • present perfect simple

2 My brother went to England last summer. He had a great time.

  • past simple

3 My friends have not been to Italy. They want to go there next year.

  • present perfect simple

4. Did you buy any souvenirs when you were in Paris?

  • past simple

5 I have not seen the new film. Is it good?

  • present perfect simple

6 We're going to be late. The plane leaves in three hours and we have not packed our suitcases!​

  • present perfect simple



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