Engleza, întrebare adresată de gabrielamarianan075, 8 ani în urmă

Correct the false sentences in Activity 4.
The children aren't at the zoo. They are at the park.
1 The children aren’t A-T the zoo . They are A-T the park.
2. ?
3. ?
Va rog ???
Dau coroana !!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andy0019

5) 1. The children arent at the zoo. They are at the park.

2. Jake is riding a bike. Jake is rollerblading

3. Daniel is rollerblading. Daniel is sliding down the slide

gabrielamarianan075: Eu vroiam pe ex . 5 . Nu pe ex. 4 ?
andy0019: am correctat acum, vezi daca e cea ce vrei
gabrielamarianan075: Da
gabrielamarianan075: Multumesc !
andy0019: cu mare drag!!
iulianagaina60: Mulțumesc!!
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