Engleza, întrebare adresată de viorelmirela, 9 ani în urmă

5.d. Which members of your family do you live with?
6. Copy and complete your diary page for today. Begin with the date and by saying how you feel.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de NameNick
5.d.I live with my parents, and my little sister as well.
6. Octomber 11th. 2016
. Dear diary
. I feel amazing!
Not only that I've spend time with my family and friends, but I also had an amazing experience as well. See, today I saw a man disguised like a homeless, doing a.... social experiment. I gave him two dollars and he then revealed himself, gaving me 200 bucks for carring about the ones around me. Isn't that amazing, dear diary?
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