Engleza, întrebare adresată de amarioareisimona10, 8 ani în urmă

5 Fill in: OK. Then what?, Then a window should pop up., Could you help me?, Is that all?, What are you doing Ben?. Write in your notebook. A: 1)... B: I'm trying to upload a photo on my social B media. 2) .. A: Sure. First, go to your social media account. B: 3)... A: Go on your profile and click on the box that says 'upload photo/video'. 4) ... B: Got it! What's next? A: Now select the photo you want and click 'open'. B: 5)... A: Almost. You can add text if you want and then click on 'done'. B: Thanks, Chris. (5x4=20) TOTAL: 100
va rog frumos până mâine dimineață va rog dau coroana​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mincudenisa1107


1) What are you doing Ben?

2) Could you help me?

3) Then what?

4) Then a window should pop up.

5) Is that all?

Răspuns de climautansofia


What are you doing right now?

Can you help me how to do it?

Then what I will do?

Then a glass should pop off.

Is that all?


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