Engleza, întrebare adresată de trofindarius, 9 ani în urmă

5<br />Fill each gap with an appropriate adverb.<br />EXAMPLE I'm a bad singer. I sing badly.<br />a) She's a quiet speaker. She speaks<br />b) He made a sudden move. He moved<br />c) John's a slow walker. He walks<br />d) Mrs. Brown is a hard worker. She works<br />e) There is heavy rain this season. It is raining<br />f) The bus was late. It arrived<br />g) Mr. Bigmouth is a loud talker. He talks<br /> Va rog Ajutațima ​

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Hi there!

Cerinta: Fill each gap with an appropriate adverb.

             Completati fiecare spatiu cu adverbul potrivit.


a) She's a quiet speaker. She speaks quietly.

b) He made a sudden move. He moved suddenly.

c) John's a slow walker. He walks slowly.

d) Mrs. Brown is a hard worker. She works hard.

e) There is heavy rain this season. It is raining heavily.

f) The bus was late. It arrived late.

g) Mr. Bigmouth is a loud talker. He talks loudly.


➤ Majoritatea adverbelor se formeaza adaugand “-ly” unui adjective

ex. careful carefully


➤ Daca adjectivul se termina in “-le”: in unele cazuri se transforma in “-ly”

ex. possible-possibly

       incredible- incredibly

                                                 In alte cazuri, “-e_ dispare si adaugam “-ly”

  ex. noble- bobly

➤ Daca adjectivul se termina “-y”, “y” dispare si adaugam “ily”

ex. Lucky- luckily


➤ Daca adjectivul se termina in “-ic”, schimbam in “-ically”

ex. fantastic- fantastically

       Basic- basically

➤ Unele adjective sunt neregulate:




Good Luck!

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