Engleza, întrebare adresată de giuritabianca, 8 ani în urmă

. 5 Make first conditional sentences.
1 if / play football in the rain / get very dirty
2 make new friends / if / join the football team
3 if / finish the course / get a certificate
4 get a silver cup / if / win the race
5 if / watch TV all day / not be very healthy
6 if / walk to school / get fit

Va rog dau COROANA

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de eneioanamihaela88


If we play football in the rain you will get very dirty.

2. If you join the football team you will make new friends.

3. If we finish the course you will get a certificate.

4. If you finish the course you will get a certificate.

5. If you watch TV all day you will be very healthy.

6. If you walk to school you will get fit.

giuritabianca: Msss
andreea6732: Serios bia?
andreea6732: îi zicem mâine la diriga nu-i bai
giuritabianca: Daaaa
giuritabianca: Nuuu
giuritabianca: Dar cine dracu ești?
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