Engleza, întrebare adresată de anonim275353, 8 ani în urmă

5 Make notes about something strange or unusual that happened to you. It can be true or invented. Use the questions in Exercise 2.
rpd va rog dau coroana!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Floriximo

One afternoon about two months ago I finished my homework early and the weather was nice so I decided to go on a walk. It was beginning to get dark outside, but that didn't bother me so much because of the relatively safe and well lighted streets of my town. I wanted to head towards the playground, but as I turned the corner, I spotted three strange tall men in black clothes standing near the swings. They seemed as they were adults and they were wearing eerie white masks that covered their entire face. I got a bit scared, but I was determined to go to the playground, so I gathered my courage and started heading towards it. When I was less then ten steps away from the fence surrounding the playground, the street light above me suddenly went out. My eyes took a bit of time to adjust to the darkness, but when I could see again, I saw that the men had completely vanished without a trace. I was anxious thinking that they may have hid somewhere waiting for me to enter, but I couldn't catch a glimpse of them anywhere. I decided to leave quietly. I went home thinking about them. It certainly was a strange experience.

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