Engleza, întrebare adresată de nadia3, 9 ani în urmă

5 propoziti cu to be si 5propoziti cu have ot

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dariel0808
I am at school.
She is with him.
You are beautiful.
We are at the museum.
They are best friends.

I have a beautiful parrot.
She has a long blond hair.
My mother has a new pair of earrings.
You have 2 books.
We have 2 kids.

nadia3: mi pe poti tradut te rog
nadia3: traduce*
nadia3: poti te rog frumos
Răspuns de dyadyanadragu
a) Kate is very beautiful, right ? 
b) Mike is smart, good-looking and nice, he is my friend!
c) We are in the our classroom with Ms. Jane, the our teacher.
d) They are in the HoSpital, because they are sufferind.
e) I am a good and a mannerly girl. 

a) I have got a puppy and a kitten in my house. 
b) Mike has got a book for English. 
c) Jane has got a computer. 
d) We have got a kitten.
e) She has got a book. 

nadia3: hei tu imi poti traduce enunturile de mai sus
dyadyanadragu: Da, sigur! 
dyadyanadragu: a) Kate este foarte frumoasa, asa-i?
b) Mike este destept, aratos si dragut, el este prietenul meu.
c) Noi suntem in clasa noastra cu doamna Jane, profesoara noastra
d) Ei sunt in spital, pentru ca sunt bolnavi.
e) Eu sunt o buna si o politicoasa fata.

a) Eu am un catelus sio pisicuta in casa mea.
b) Mike are o carte pentru engleza.
c) Jane are un calculator.
d) Noi avem o pisicuta.
e) Ea are o carte. 
nadia3: ms
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