Engleza, întrebare adresată de interlop22, 8 ani în urmă

5 propozitii cu:
prezent simplu
prezent continuu
trecut simplu
trecut continuu
present perfect

Cat mai repede, va rog!!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de crazyshiba

present simple

I watch TV every weekend.

I go to school every day

She reads this book.

Does he like to sing?

They don't dance today.

present continuous

I am running away.

My cat is playing outside.

He isn't going to the hospital

Is she talking to you?

They are swimming in the pool right now.

past tense simple

He went to your house.

She was here a few minutes ago.

Did he leave already?

I didn't work enough.

We missed you a lot.

past tense continuous

I was walking my dog when I saw you.

We were playing tennis when it started raining.

He was eating when the lights went out.

She was cooking while he was looking at her.

Last week I was fixing my car

present perfect

The students had just finished the classes.

Have you eaten today?

I have done my homework

You had cleaned your house.

I haven't cooked this dish yet.

viitor(am scris pe romana ca nu ma lasa((:)

I will go to college next year.

Will you come to his show?

They will not dance today.

I will charge my phone and call you.

It will be dark soon.

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