Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

5.Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct form of the past simple. Write in
your notebook.
1. The class ... (travel) to Italy for their
school trip last spring.
2. We ... (not/meet) our favourite actor
after the performance.
3. Shawn Mendes ... (become) famous
when he ... (be) a teenager.
4. Alina ...(not/come) to the theatre with
us last night.
5. I... (study) for my History exam and
then I... (watch) TV.
6. John ... (bring) a friend to the party.
7. They ... (not/win) first prize in the
singing competition
8. Our visitors ... (stay) for a week.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ionm6907


1. The class travelled to Italy for their  school trip last spring.

2. We did not meet our favourite actor  after the performance.

3. Shawn Mendes became famous  when he was a teenager.

4. Alina did not come to the theatre with  us last night.

5. I studied for my History exam and  then I watched TV.

6. John brought a friend to the party.

7. They did not win first prize in the  singing competition

8. Our visitors stayed for a week


cimpoiperugabriel: hi
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