Engleza, întrebare adresată de ioanamihaigim, 8 ani în urmă

5. Put the words in the right order:
a. having / father / are/ and / lunch / mother. Father and mother are having lunch
b. you / cake / a / chocolate / making / are?
c. isn't / book / Blip Blop /a/ reading.
d. a / snowman / the / making / children / are.
e. is / cat / the / in / playing / garden / the?​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CRONGA


b) You are making a chocolate cake?

c)Blip Blop isn't reading a book

d) The children are making a snowman

e) The cat is playing in the garden


toaderanamaria913: La prima este la forma afirmativa
toaderanamaria913: "Are you" se foloseste la intrebari
CRONGA: stiu dar nu m am uitat la semn=)
CRONGA: am scris direct
Răspuns de toaderanamaria913

b.Are you making a chocolate cake?

c.Blip Blop isn't reading a book.

d.The children are making a snowman.

e.Is the cat playing in the garden?

ioanamihaigim: bravo ai luat coroana
maramaraq123: bv
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