Engleza, întrebare adresată de clinovschimatei, 8 ani în urmă

VOCABULARY There are eight words and phrases in bold in the texts. Match them with these meanings.
1 doing something that is not allowed
5 arrive (in a place or situation) because of something
2 with the top part at the bottom
3 have something that is yours
6 a place where criminals are put and they cannot
4 something a person does that is not allowed by the
government of a country
7 but not
8 against the law​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Zmara14
Te ajut, dar am nevoie de o poza cu textul, pentru ca acolo sunt cuvintele scrise ingrosat de care ai nevoie pentru a completa acest exercitiu.

clinovschimatei: OK
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