Engleza, întrebare adresată de all3x21, 8 ani în urmă

5 Write a magazine article (120-150 words) about a charity event. Writing a magazine article Step 1 Plan Think about a charity event. Who organized in Which charity was it for? - Step 2 Write Write a first draft. Include information about the organizers, location and activity. Include a quotation - Step 3 Check Check your work. Check you have used so and because correctly. Step 4 Write Write your final version, Further practice Writing guide 5 page 120​

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Răspuns de Pindia

Save ukraine charity event!

The charity event is for the romanian charity "Salvați Ukraina"

The organizers are The director of the Charity and the Team of this event (Volunteers) At the event you can donate the money for saving more people ,mentally help kids,play with ukrainean kids and teach them different stuff,the event is held in the next locations: Siret,Bucharest,Bacau and Craiova.

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