Engleza, întrebare adresată de amiga, 9 ani în urmă

50 de puncte !!!! Read the following statements, then express a wish or regret in connection with them. See the models.

1. It's raining now. We can't go to the country
2. I wish stopped raining. We could go to the country.
3. The weather cold an windy on Sunday.
I caught cold on that outing.
I wish the weather had not been so cold and windy on Sunday. I wouldn't have caught cold then.

1. You didn't clear up the point at once. We have to consider the matter again now.
2. The bus is packed. It won't pick up all the passengers.
3. It's a pinty you didn't mention these facts while the subject was being discussed.
4. He always argues about everything. It's hard to work with him.
5. The doctor's very busy now. I'm afraid he won't see the patient.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ecaterinagraur
1} I would like to clarify the point at once, and to consider the issue again now.
2} I would not be desirable to be packed bus.
3} I would be desirable for it to be mentioned these facts.
4} I would like to be easier to work with.
5} I would like to see your doctor patient.
6} I would be desirable that the drug not be so bitter.
7} I wish you booked a train ticket for me not to be difficult.
8} I want to be more interesting to not get bored.
9} I wish I did not bother me I can finish the work.
10} I'd like to not be difficult.

amiga: este corect ?
ecaterinagraur: sper ca da
amiga: multumesc :)
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