Engleza, întrebare adresată de DorinaCorii, 9 ani în urmă

55 puncteeee!!!!!!!!!!!Sall , eu sunt Dori, va rog ajurati-ma la toate 10.... eu de fapt am 27 dar deocamdată sa fie astea rezolvate e extreeeeeem de urgent​


Damaya: In propozitiile urmatoare se va folosi conditionalul de tip 3 care descrie actiuni trecute care de fapt nu s-au intamplat niciodata (ireale)
1. The dolphin would have swam a longer distance unless it had prevented ny the fishermen`s boat.
2. The penguin would have froze if the winter had been too heavy
3. Where would have went the seal if it had banished from the beach ?
Damaya: 9. the viper would have bitten if you had touched it
DorinaCorii: si restul?
Damaya: nu prea ma pricep la restul doar 10 care il fac acum
DorinaCorii: ok tot e bn
DorinaCorii: ☆☆☆☆☆☆
Damaya: 10. How wolud have travelled the camel if had been someone to handle it
Damaya: 8. Where the (cobai nu stiu cum se traduce) would have went if it had been free ?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Damaya

In propozitiile urmatoare se va folosi conditionalul de tip 3 care descrie actiuni trecute care de fapt nu s-au intamplat niciodata (ireale)

1. The dolphin would have swam a longer distance unless it had prevented by the fishermen`s boat.

2. The penguin would have froze if the winter had been too heavy

3. Where would have went the seal if it had banished from the beach ?

7. What would have done the crocodile if they had tried to sell it to a circus ?

8. Where the (cobai nu stiu cum se traduce) would have went if it had been free?

9. The viper would have bitten if you had touched it ?

10. How would have travelled the camel if had been someone to handle it ?

DorinaCorii: Dora imi poti da mesaj in privat sa ma ajuti cu un ex la mate,???????
DorinaCorii: Mda doar dacă vrei
Damaya: nu am nevoie neaparat de coroane deci poti sa-i dai lui
DorinaCorii: ok dar te am mai intrebat ceva
Damaya: ti-am trimis mesaj
DorinaCorii: acolo e ny nu trb sa fie my
DorinaCorii: ??
Damaya: la ce te referi ?
DorinaCorii: la 1
Damaya: a da, scuze. voiam sa pun by
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