Engleza, întrebare adresată de oprea0051gmailro, 8 ani în urmă

6.)Circle the correct expression:
1. Our friends visited Sahara/ (Africa) last year.
2. Here is a photo of my parents on Mount Everest/Himalaya.
3. Our grandparents live in the USA/the America.
4. This toy is made in People's Republic of China/China.
5. I always wanted to visit Texas/USA.
6. Last summer holiday they sailed on the Lake Superior/ the Amazon.
7. His father works at York Airport/British Museum


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de theo3718
2. Mount Everest
3. USA
4. China
5. USA
6. Amazon
7. British Museum
Nu stiu daca sunt toate corecte dar am incercat!
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