Engleza, întrebare adresată de miriam2035, 8 ani în urmă

6 Complete the text with the present simple or
present continuous form of the verb.
At the moment l'
architect at university. The course 2
five years long and 13
year. 14.
(go) to lectures
(study) to be an
(finish) in June next
(love) my course, although we
(have) a lot of work! I
every day and as well as that, right now
(work) on a special project with some
(design) a new
other students. We s
building for the university eco club. 19
(share) a house with two other students at the moment.
| 10
(like) them, but they "
(always / leave) their dirty plates in the kitchen - it's
really annoying!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lucianitu


  • At the moment I'm studying to be an architect at university.
  • The course is five years long and I'm finishing in June next year.
  • I love my course, although we're having a lot of work!
  • I go to lectures every day and as well as that, right now I'm working on a special project with some other students.
  • We're designing a new building for the university eco club.
  • I'm sharing a house with two other students at the moment.
  • I like them, but they always leave their dirty plates in the kitchen - it's really annoying!
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