Engleza, întrebare adresată de gabitza1177, 7 ani în urmă

6 In the following texts, complete each space with a word formed from the word in I capitals. 7 Text 1 With (1) humanitaria. aid now pouring into the country, HUMAN charitable agencies are still struggling to cope in a country where day to day life is a struggle for (2).......... In some areas agency workers have encountered (3).. to their efforts from government forces. Meanwhile, in an attempt to (4).. ....the economy, the Government has (5).................. ..the currency for the third time this year. Text 2 The United Nations has not ruled out the possibility of military (6).. although it is still hopeful of achieving a ...means. The Secretary General settlement by (7)... roundly condemned the President's policy of ethnic (8).. (9). ...amount of his country's money on weapons. This follows last week's 'reminder' to the President that is now universally illegal, a fact he (10).. continues to ignore. and also criticised him for spending a Match the words from the box to the explanations. EXIST RESIST f) STABLE VALUE INTERVENE DIPLOMACY CLEAN PROPORTION SLAVE recycling charity organic irrigation subsidy negotiation self-sufficiency immunisation a) This is the settling of a dispute through discussion. ..negotiation b) This is the ability of a country or person to support themselves without outside help.... c) This is a means of protecting people against some diseases... d) This is food that is grown without the use of chemical fertilisers.. This is the collection of raw materials so that they can be used again. e) This is money used by a government to lower the prices of e.g. basic foods. g) This is a system of distributing water to places which need it for agriculture. h) This is an organisation which collects money from the public and uses it to help people in need.....​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de axel0

Text 1:

1) Humanitarian  

2) Humans  

3) Resistance  

4) Stabilize    

5) Devalued

Text 2:

6) Intervention

7) Diplomacy

8) Cleansing  

9) Proportionately  

10) Continues


a) negotiation

b) self-sufficiency

c) immunisation

d) organic

e) recycling

f) value

g) irrigation

h) charity

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