Engleza, întrebare adresată de anastasiacaraiman, 8 ani în urmă

6. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the appropriate form. 1. When I _______________ (to find) a batter job, I _______________(to have) more money. 2. As soon as she _____________ (to become) a doctor, she _____________(to cure) people. 3. In case she _______________(to come) late, she ________________(to miss) the lectur. 4. When we ______________ (to finish) school, we _______________( to enter) the University. 5. If you _____________(to sleep) a bit, you _________________(to have) plenty of energy. 6. As soon as Peter _________________(to arrive), we ______________ (to go) to the supermarket. 7. I hope my friend ____________(to come) before the lesson ____________ (to start). 8. If she ____________(to get) a letter from her friend, she ____________(to be) very happy. 9. If the weather ____________(not/to change), our plans ________________(to remain) the same. 10. If they _____________(to move) into a new house, they _______________ (to let) us know.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AnaMaria992001


1. find, will have

2. Becomes, will cure

3. Comes, will miss

4. finish, will enter

5. sleep, will have

6. arrives, will go

7. Will come, starts

8. Gets , will be

9. Doesn't change, will remain

10. Move, will let

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