6 Read about John. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Past Continuous. 1 This story happened (happen) to John, a friend of mine, ten years ago. He 2 (travel) back to the UK from Japan and he a (meet) a Japanese woman on the plane. He4 (start) talking to her and learned that she was working in London. It 5 (rain) when they (get) to the airport, so John (decide) to get a taxi. While he 6 7 8 (wait) in the queue, he 9 (see) the Japanese woman again. He 10 (offer) her a lift home and gave her his phone number. Six months later he "di 10 anal (ask) her to anno ada no ins2511 sdi 10 siqmi? insas marry him. 10 ber

Răspunsuri la întrebare
This story happened to John, a friend of mine, ten years ago. He was travelling back to the UK from Japan and he met a Japanese woman on the plane. He started talking to her and learned that she was working in London. It was raining when they got to the airport, so John decided to get a taxi. While he was waiting in the queue, he saw the Japanese woman again. He offered her a lift home and gave her his phone number. Six months later he asked her to marry him.
Past simple
Folosim pentru a vorbi despre acțiuni finisate, obiceiuri sau stări din trecut.
- Formula pentru afirmativ: verb + ed (+ ied dacă verbul se termină în y) Ex: walk + ed = walked
talk + ed = talked
reply + ed = replied
- Formula pentru interogativ: did + pronoun + verb
Ex: Did you go to school yesterday?
Did she read the letter we got today?
- Formula pentru negativ: pronoun + did not + verb
Ex: I didn't manage to do my homework in time.
We didn't go to store to buy groceries this week.
NB! Unele verbe au forme speciale la trecutul simplu: hit = hit, eat = ate, run = ran, etc
Past continuous este folosit
- pentru a vorbi despre acțiuni ce au loc înainte sau după o altă acțiune.
Ex: My mom was cooking dinner when I arrived home.
The other day I was sweeping the floors when I found the ring I lost.
- pentru a vorbi despre acțiuni ce au loc înainte sau după un timp anumit.
Ex: It was 6:00. I was getting ready for school.
- pentru a vorbi despre acțiuni ce au durat ceva timp.
Ex: My stomach was hurting.
Everyone was thinking how to solve the problem.
- pentru a vorbi despre acțiuni ce se repetă.
Ex: They were always trying to find the best route.
I was playing video games every day.
Afirmativ: pronoun + was/were + verb-ing
Interogativ: was/were + pronoun + verb-ing
Negativ: pronoun + was not/were not + verb-ing