Engleza, întrebare adresată de azure, 8 ani în urmă

6 Write a set of rules: five things you must or mustn't do and five things you don't have to do to survive on a desert island. (15 propozitii) VA ROGGG!!:(( 25 de puncte​


azure: scuze , eu cand am pus intrebarea erau 25 de puncte , acum imi arata ca va da numai 13..nuj de ce
RockyWasTaken: nu e nimic, nu ma deranjează! nu dau raspunsuri pentru puncte ci doar ca sa ajut. deci cu asta, ma bucur ca team putut ajuta! :D
azure: :)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Lexiiii2008


1.search for water 2.search for anything can help you 3. search for food 4.make a house of everything you find 5.don't consume so much food

1.if you see a snake don't stay there 2.if you find a river don't jump in it bc you can a lot of damage 3.don't eat everything you find in desert 4.if you find ppl on that island to they can be cannibals so just say hi to them and if they don't attack you can stay with them 5.Do not speak loud bc maybe a animal dangerous can find you

azure: m--ati ajutat amandoi!!! mersi mult!<3
azure: o sa ma gandesc la cine dau coroana
Lexiiii2008: ok si cpl:))
Lexiiii2008: ok si cpl:))
Lexiiii2008: scz dar wifiul meu este cam prost
azure: e ok!
Răspuns de RockyWasTaken


-You Must Do-

1. You must try and see if you can get some help

2. You must find materials to try and survive

3. You must look for food, even coconuts are a good saver.

4. You must be careful at any sound you hear, mostly at night

5. You must stay calm at any situation

-You Mustn't Do-

1. You Mustn't stay to ran out of materials, try and find more and more things that can help you

2. You Mustn't wait always for someone, try and do things on your own

3. You Mustn't fight the creatures that approach you, try and be as safe as possible

4. You Mustn't try and swim away, you will probably drown.

5. You Mustn't forget to take care of your health, like taking care of scars for example. It can go wrong in many ways.

in ex spune 5 cu 5 dar tu ai spus 15 Propoziții dar dupa nu se imparte deci i apologie if it's not enough

spune-mi in comentariu daca am ratat ceva :)

azure: e ok , stiu ca asa trebuia dar doamna mea de engleza spunea ca ne trebuie 15:) oricum mersi
denisastefaniacanana: mulțumesc pentru raspuns❤❤
denisastefaniacanana: mulțumesc pentru raspuns❤❤
alexandracinca: hd
alexandracinca: mersii
vladgabriel272009: mersi
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