Engleza, întrebare adresată de ioaaannaa, 8 ani în urmă

60. Judging by his talent, he ... a successful writer one day, a. is
b. is going to be
c; will be
d. is to be
61. The kid must be starving. He .. anything all day.
2. Wasn't eating
b. didn't cat
c. hasn't eaten
d. hadn'ı caten
62.1... a party tonight.
lo keep mic company?
2. have Will you want
b. am having/Do you want
c. was having / Would you want
d. have / Did you want
63. Obviously he should go on a dict; he ... fatter and fatter every day.
a. gets
b. is getting
c. will get
d. is going to get
64. Mr. Collins ... for this opportunity for ages so he's very excited.
a, is waiting
b. had waited
c. has been waiting
d. has waited
65. My cousins are lucky. They ... to New York twice.
b. have been
c. went
d. were
66. On a cold December day a young couple ... at the doctor's surgery. The wind
a were knocking / blew
b. are knocking is blowing
c, was knocking / was blowing
d. knocked / blew
67. I feel bored. I ... to doing anything.
a. am being not used
b. am not used
c. am getting not used
d. got not used
68. Back in London now, they... to driving on the other side of the road.
a. be used
b. are getting used
c. be got used
d. used
69. Mike ... in the mine for forty years. Then he retired.
a. has worked
b. had worked
c. has been working
d. was working
70. This time in a week we ... in the Mediterranean.
a. will cruise
b. are going to cruise
c. are cruising
d. will be cruising
71. This office is too crowded but we ... to a new one down town by the end of
the month.
a. move
b. will move
c. are going to move
d. will be moving​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AlexZale13


Țin să menționez: Îmi pare rău că nu am știut la toate (nu am știut 2) și am câteva îndoieli la unele, dar sper sa fie corect!

60) Will be

61) didn't eat

62) Îmi cer scuze dar nu știu aici...

63) Is getting

64) has been waiting

65) have been

66) knocked / blew

67) am not used

68) used

69) has been working

70) nu știu aici, scuze

71) are going to move


ioaaannaa: mersi, vezi ca mai am unul, daca ma poti ajuta iti sunt recunoscatoare
AlexZale13: Cu mare drag! Am să mă uit peste el să văd dacă știu.
ioaaannaa: apreciez mult, mersi
AlexZale13: Îmi pare rău dar nu știu la cealaltă tema, plus, sunt cam amestecate cuvintele pe acolo...
AlexZale13: Un sfat: Nu mai folosi ,, scanează și rezolvă'' deoarece nu scrie textul cum trebuie, amestecă cuvintele, ori le greșește, ba chiar scrie pe altă limbă. Încearcă să adaugi poze sau sa te chinui sa scrii textul/exercițiul. (Este părerea mea, sper că nu te superi, este doar un sfat)
AlexZale13: Eu trebuie să plec! Îmi pare rău că nu am putut să te ajut și la cealaltă temă. Seară frumoasă!
ioaaannaa: este ok, orice sfat este bine venit. mersi mult
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