Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Veluro



1-The Shard In London is designed by Renzo Piano.

2-The Wind Rises is directed by Hayao Miyazaki.

3-Where was the World Cup held in 2014 ?

4-Penicillin was invented by Fleming.

5-Do oranges grow in California ?

6-Baseball is not played in Japan.

7-This camera was made in China.

8-Was this painting painted by Henry Matisse ?

9-This photo was taken in Slovenia last year.

10-Global products are sold everywhere.


1-The computer is not used by a million people.It is used by billions.

2-The first railway was not built 50 years ago.It was built 150 years ago.

3-The first jeans were not made in Italy.They were made in America.

4-A lot of rice is not grown in England.It is grown in Vietnam.

5-The Greek islands are not visited by a lot of tourists in the winter.They are visited in the summer.

6-New York is not known as 'The Cold City'.It is known as 'The Big Apple'.

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