Engleza, întrebare adresată de Kernex, 8 ani în urmă

7.Fill in can, may or must.
1.We come to school on time.
2.I ask questions in English.
3.You take my pen. I don't need it now.
4.If you look for it carefully, you find it.
5.Cows not fly.
6.Pupils listen to the teacher attentively.
Va rog urgent dau 10 puncte su coroana primului!!!​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Fill in can, may or must.



1. We must come to school on time.

  • obligation

2. I can ask questions in English.

  • ability

3. You may take my pen. I don't need it now.

  • permission

4. If you look for it carefully, you may find it.

  • possibility

5. Cows can not fly.

  • ability

6. Pupils must listen to the teacher attentively.

  • obligation



  • CAN expresses ability.
  • MAY expresses permission or possibility.
  • MUST expresses obligation.


Un alt exercițiu cu verbele modale a fost rezolvat aici: https://brainly.ro/tema/7903873#

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