7. Making a summary: School Bus Heroes.
8. Suffixes -ful and -less

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8. Asezati in ordine aceste cuvinte cheie din textul "School Bus Heroes". Scrieti un rezumat al povestii, in nu mai mult de 100 de cuvinte.
-Tom late and not done homework
- bus noisy so Tom couldn`t work
- Tom spoke to driver,no reply
- Julie and Tom steered
- down hill and on to grass
- safely round roundabout
- everyone alive
It was Monday morning, and Tom got up late. First, he ate his breakfast in a hurry, then he ran to the school bus. Besides that, he hadn`t done his Maths homework and asked Julie to lend him her book, to "check" the answers but Julie refused to do such a thing.Next, Tom tried to do his homework himself but the bus was too noisy with the music on the radio and his classmates singing. Afterwards he asked the bus driver to turn down the music. The bus driver didn`t reply and Tom was horrified to see that his eyes were closed. The bus was going faster and faster down hill but Tom and Julie were very brave, they held on the steering wheel and succeded getting safely round roundabout. Finally, everyone was alive , thanks to these two school bus heroes.
8. Add "-full" or "-less" to these words to make adjectives and match them to the definitions:
Adauga "-full" sau "-less" cuvintelor urmatoare pentru a forma adjective si potriviti-le definitiilor lor:
painful- something that hurts;
tasteless-something that has no taste;
truthful-something honest;
colourless-something without colour;
helpful-someone who always helps;
successful-something that has succeeded
Cu sufixul "ful" se pot forma adjective cu intelesul de: plin de..., care are calitatea de ...( painful-dureros; truthful-onest; helpful-de ajutor,etc)
Cu sufixul "less" se pot forma adjective cu intelesul de: a fi lipsit de..., care indica lipsa.( tasteless-fara gust;colourless-fara culoare,etc)