Engleza, întrebare adresată de morardanuta34, 8 ani în urmă

Read and listen. Answer the questions, .
1 Who was Isaac Newton and why is he famous?
2 What did Rachel Carson discover? What
happened as a result?
3 What did Crick, Watson and Wilkins discover?
What prize did they win?
Va rogggg repede!!!!!dau coroana! ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de robitzz2620


1. Isaac Newton was a mathematician, astronomer and physicist.

2. Rachel Carson dicovered that pesticides are also killing animals. As a result, some of the most dangerous pesticides were banned.

3. Crick, Watson and Wilkins discovered the structure of DNA. They won the Nobel Prize.

Răspuns de Nutella3789012


1) Isaac Newton was a mathematician, pihysicist and astronomer what made very important discoveries.

2) Rachel Carson discoverd that the products in pesticides we're also killing animals and published a book based on a research. As a result some of the most dangerous pesticides were baned in America .

3) They discovered the structure of DNA. as a result of won the Nobel Prize .

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