Engleza, întrebare adresată de oanadobrin1986, 8 ani în urmă

7 Write questions with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs.
what time / you/ go to bed / last night?
What time did you go to bed last night?
what/you/ read / when /l/ call / you / yesterday?
What were you reading when I called yesterday?
1 what/you/ do / at 5pm yesterday? 2 what / your friends / do / when / you / see / them this morning?
3 what / your friend I do / when / the English teacher / arrive / today?
you / use / a dictionary / while / you / do / your last English homework?
5 what / you / think about / when the class / start?
6 what / you / watch / on TV / last night?​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Soclu

What did you do at 5 pm yesterday?

What do your friends when you saw them this morning?

What did your friend when the english teacher arrived?

Did you used a dictionary when you did your last Enlgish Homework?

What do you think about when class starts?

What did you watch on TV last night?

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