Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in the correct subject pronouns
and possessive adjectives.
Alson Bright is 1) ...my... cousin. 2) is twenty
years old. 3) ............. lives with 4) .................. family in
a farmhouse in the country. 5) ................ house is old
and very big. Alison's father is a farmer. 6) .................
job is very tiring. Alison helps 7)............... father every
day. 8) ................ start work early in the morning
and finish late in the evening. Alison loves horses. 9)
..... favourite horse is "Sunshine". Alison is very
happy with 10) ........ life on the farm.
Va rog repede ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de enecmihaela95


1. my

2. she

3. she

4. her

5. Their

6. His

7. her

8. they

9. her

10. her

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