Engleza, întrebare adresată de maria66245, 9 ani în urmă

8. Finish the sentences using whose:
Example: Donna is a teacher. Her students are very smart.
Donna is a teacher whose students are very smart.
1. Mr. Hughes is a person. His house caught fire.
Mr. Hughes is the person ..
2. Bella is a girl. Her clothes are fashionable.
Bella is the girl
3. This is a book. Its covers are dark blue.
This is the book
4. Mrs. Yeats is a woman. Her husband is a famous director.
Mrs. Yeats is the woman
5. This is a house. Its windows are broken.
This is the house ........
6. Mr. Dickens is a writer. His books are very interesting.
Mr. Dickens is the writer .........
7. This a yacht. Its owner is a rich businessman.
This is the yacht
8. Mr. Andrews is a firefighter. His colleagues admire him.
Mr. Andrews is the firefighter
9. The Browns' are a big family. Their children are noisy.
The Browns' are the family
10. This is a company. Its products are very good.
This is the company

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gmorandi7

Răspunsurile cerute  sunt în bold.



8.  Finish the sentences using whose:

Example: Donna is a teacher. Her students are very smart.

Donna is a teacher whose students are very smart.

Rezolvare si traducere

1. Mr. Hughes is a person. His house caught fire.

Mr. Hughes is the person whose house caught fire.

Domnul Hughes e persoana a cărei casă a luat foc.  

2. Bella is a girl. Her clothes are fashionable.

Bella is the girl whose clothes are fashionable.

Bella este fata ale cărei haine sunt moderne.

3. This is a book. Its covers are dark blue.

This is the book whose covers are dark blue.

Aceasta este cartea ale cărei coperți sunt albastru închis.

4. Mrs. Yeats is a woman. Her husband is a famous director.

Mrs. Yeats is the woman whose husband is a famous director.

Doamna Yeats este femeia al cărei soț e un director faimos.

5. This is a house. Its windows are broken.

This is the house whose windows are broken.

Aceasta este casa ale cărei ferestre sunt sparte.

6. Mr. Dickens is a writer. His books are very interesting.

Mr. Dickens is the writer whose books are very interesting.

Domnul Dickens este scriitorul ale cărui cărți sunt foarte interesante.


Prin pași: Exercițiul se face înlocuind pronumele his, hers, its cu whose. Căutăm pronumele personal (este la începutul celei de-a doua propoziții). Înlocuim pronumele personal his, hers, its cu pronumele posesiv whose. Acum ștergem punctul. (Observă schimbarea lui a teacher/person/woman/ în the teacher/person/woman/. Am putea traduce acea femeie, acel scriitor, acea fată, acea carte. ).

Există pagini serioase de gramatică, cu exerciții pentru toate subiectele, explicate. Nu te descuraja.

You are a student. Your English improves.

You are the student whose English improves.

gmorandi7: 7. This is the yacht whose owner is a rich businessman.
8. Mr. Andrews is the firefighter whose colleagues admire.
9. The Browns' are the family whose children are noisy.
10. This is the company whose products are very good.
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