Engleza, întrebare adresată de monicarusu1, 9 ani în urmă

8 propoziti cu forma scurta a verbului have got si 8 propoziti cu forma lunga la toate persoanele

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de theea18
- forma scurta :
1. I've got a new T-shirt.
2. You've got a nice backpack.
3. He's got art supplies.
4. She's got a pair of earrings.
5. We've got a lot of friends.
6. They've got some new clothes.
7. He's got a black hoodie.
8. She's got an amazing brother.

- forma lunga : 
1. I have got a white cat.
2. You have got a cute dress.
3. He has got a new game.
4. She has got a beautiful pair of shoes.
5. We have got some things to do.
6. They have got english books.
7. I have got homework.
8. She has got an adorable hamster.

monicarusu1: cum dau coroana
theea18: habar nu am, sincer.
theea18: nu iti face griji, sper doar ca iti e folositor raspunsul. ^ ^
monicarusu1: da imi este
theea18: oh, la forma scurta : 6. They've got some new clothes.
theea18: uitasem sa scriu, sa nu uiti sa corectezi.
monicarusu1: da nu uit
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