Engleza, întrebare adresată de ciobanuionu, 9 ani în urmă

8 Use a or the. Say why the hare lost the race.
says to the tortoise:
who is very sure that he can run quickly says to
"Let's runrace."
"Let's," answers
tortoise. 4 hare runs quickly, and when he looks back, he does
not see e tortoise.
She can't run quickly. thinks hare, "so I may
rest here."
And he sits down to rest. Soon 0 hare falls asleep. But
tortoise doesn't rest for La minute. When I hare
gets up, he runs quickly, but it is too late. Li tortoise
wins race.
When one is too sure of himself he often fails.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

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Hi there!


Use a or the. Say why the hare lost the race

Folositi a sau the. Spuneti de ce a pierdut iepurele cursa.


A hare, who is very sure that he can run quickly says to a tortoise:

"Let's runrace."

"Let's," answers the tortoise

The hare runs quickly, and when he looks back, he does not see the tortoise.

“She can't run quickly” thinks the hare, "so I may rest here."

And he sits down to rest. Soon the hare falls asleep. But the tortoise doesn't rest for La minute. When the hare gets up, he runs quickly, but it is too late. The  tortoise wins race.

When one is too sure of himself he often fails.

The hare lost the race because he underestimated the tortoise, he was too sure on himself and he didn`t try his best to win the race.


a/an - articol nehotarat (un/o)

- il folosim atunci cand ne referim la o notiune in general, fara sa mai fi fost amintita inainte

ex. I want to go to the cinema to watch a movie.

Vreau sa merg la cinema sa vad un film.

the-articol hotarat

-il folosim atunci cand vorbim despre ceva anume

ex. The movie I saw last night was very interesting.

Filmul pe care l-am vazut aseara a fost foarte interesant.

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