Engleza, întrebare adresată de vlad123457, 8 ani în urmă

8 Write about why it is good to visit
a museum. Use the clues below.
learn new things
► make you feel good
► make you smarter
→ inspire you
► spend time with family and friends

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de teodoraolaeriu6


is good to visit an museum because you can learn about things that happened a long time ago and is fun to go there with your friends. (sunt la intensiv engleza si tot ce am scris este corect, sper ca te-am ajutat :D)

vlad123457: multumesc mult
teodoraolaeriu6: cupla :))
Răspuns de Daniellavsc
It is great to visit a museum! But do you know why? First of all it makes you feel good, you spend such a beautiful and a pleasant time alone or with friends or family. Secondly, it makes you smarter. You are having fun and at the same time you’re enriching your knowledge. Also, it inspires you! You can easely retell about something you learnet from the museum or to associate those informations with other domain. It is interesting and I suggest you to go and visit a museum from your city !

Daniellavsc: easily *
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