Engleza, întrebare adresată de amaliagogea415, 8 ani în urmă

9 Put the words in order to form complete questions. Then answer them. Write in your notebook. 1 you/got/bedroom/big/a/have? 3 brother/you/have/a/got? Have you got a big bedroom? 4 house/garden/a/got/has/your? Yes, I have 5 best/got/friend/bike/has/your/a? 2 got/parents/have/car/a/your? 6 a/you/got/have/dog?​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sloane


1. Have you got a big bedroom?

2. Have your parents got a car? (Au parintii tai o masina? Daca da, scrie Yes, they have. Daca nu, scrie No, they haven't. )

3. Have you got a brother? (Ai un frate? Daca da, scrie Yes, I have. Daca nu ai un frate scrie No, I haven't)

4. Has your house got a garden? (Are casa ta o gradina? Daca da scrie Yes, it has. Daca nu scrie No, it hasn't)

5. Has your best friend got a bike? (Are prietenul tau cel mai bun o bicicleta? Daca da scrie Yes, she/he has. Daca nu scrie No, she/he hasn't. Daca e fata scrii she daca e baiat scrii he)

6. Have you got a dog? (Ai un caine? Daca da scrie Yes, I have. Daca nu ai un caine scrie No, I haven't)

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