Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexhusulei6369, 8 ani în urmă

9 Write the correct form of the possessives into the gaps.

1 Sarah is. Aunt. (Emily)

2 These are my. Cats. (friends)

3 Let’s meet at. For lunch. (Giovanni)

4 Where is the. Shower? (ladies)

5 This is our. Car. (boss)

6 My. Dad is my uncle. (cousin)

7 Our grandparents live in an old. Home. (people).

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cata8155


1 Sarah is emily's aunt

2 theese are my friends' cats

3 let's meet at giovanni's for lunch

4 where is the ladies' shower?

5 this is our boss's car

6 my cousin's dad is my uncle

7our grandparents live in an old people's homr

crown please?everything is right/coroana te rog?totul este corect

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