Engleza, întrebare adresată de mazlinuta, 8 ani în urmă

A) Add a question tag to each of the following.

1. They are happy,...?
2. He died last year,...?
3. Mary dances better,...?
4. You will be there,...?
5. I'm clear,...?
6. You haven't seen it,...?
7. Cheese is made from milk,...?
8. She has long hair,...?
9. Dreams don't come true,...?
10. I'm not responsible,...?

B) Give short replies.

1. He has lots od money, dosen't he?
2. Did it rain last night?
3. Will you wait for me?
No,... ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de IdkEither


A) 1. aren't they?

2.didn't he?

3.doesn't she?

4.will you?

5.am i?

6.don't you?

7.isn't it?

8.doesn't she?

9. -

10. -

B) 1.no,he doesn't

2.yes,it did

3.no,i wont

Alte întrebări interesante