Engleza, întrebare adresată de ANDROID999, 8 ani în urmă

A city like a human being has its own life age and characteristic features that define it and distinguish it from other cities. Read the texts and use the headings to make notes about these two cities.
Name of the city : Cambridge si Los Angeles
Name of the country/state : ?
Location : ?
Population : ?
Tourist attractions : ?


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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Bagwell
Name of the city : Cambridge si Los Angeles 
Name of the country/state : England si United States of America
Location : Europe si North America
Population : 
Cambridge has an estimated population of 129,000, including 25,000 students and Los Angeles has an estimated population of 3,976,322 people.  
Tourist attractions :  In Cambridge England you can visit  King's College and King's College Chapel,Queens' College and the Mathematical Bridge,Cambridge University Botanic Garden and Trinity College.
 In Los Angeles you ca visit Disneyland,Universal Studios 
Hollywood,Hollywood Walk of Fame,Hollywood Sign and many more.
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