Matematică, întrebare adresată de viataetaremai, 8 ani în urmă

A father which is 45 years old has a son which is 25. When did the father age double the sons age 55 puncte dau coroana !!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim


When father was 40 years old

Explicație pas cu pas:

Father's age=F

Son"s age =S


S=F-20 (years), so, father was 20 when his son was born.


(F-20)×2=F, 2×F-40=F, 2×F-F=40, F=40, so father was 40 when his son was 20.

viataetaremai: ms mult!
Utilizator anonim: ;*)
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