Engleza, întrebare adresată de 0747556952k, 8 ani în urmă

a Your friend, Cathy, is going on holiday. Write
questions with these words
b Look at the information
to the questions in 4a.
1 Where / you / go?
2 Who / you / go / with?
3 When you / leave?
Tell brother I've got tickets
Ask Dad to take us to
Ask neighbour to feed cot
Book Hotel President
Buy book on Hagia Sophia
4 Who / take/you to the airport?
5 Who / look after / the cat ?
1 I'm
going to Istanbul in Tur
3 We're
6 Where/you / stay?
7 What/you/plan/ to see?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de marinsara2009

1. where are you going

2. who are you going with

3. when you leave

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