Engleza, întrebare adresată de Lavii2009, 8 ani în urmă

aceasta fișă va rog de la exercițiul 1 pana la 22 va rog. dau coroană!!!! ​este urgent!!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Birni

la primul pui better si la restul pui ing la finalul cuvantului exemplu: watch-watching

Răspuns de dilfenthusiast


1. I have been

2.Joe has travelled

3.People in this company have worked

4.They haven't written/wrote (nu sunt sigura la asta)

5.Anna has put

6.We have danced

7.She has answered

8.They have already gone/went

9.The kids have watched

10.My mom hasn't made

11.Gary has broken/broke

12.My brother has just learned

13.He has lost

14.He has just left

15.My grandma hasn't returned

16.My sister has left

17.My parents have sent

18.I have studied

19.We haven't learned

20.Have sam and george visited...?

21.Has the girl planted...?

22.I haven't been...


La unele am trecut 2 variante pt ca nu sunt sigura, acum tu poti sa le treci cum le am trecut si eu sau poti sa treci doar una.

Sper ca ti am fost de ajutor! :)

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