Acest animal provine dintr-o familie numeroasa, felidae, cunoscuta in general sub numele de feline. Astfel, tigrul e inrudit cu leul, leopardul, pantera, jaguarul, rasul, pisica, etc., toate facand parte din aceeasi familie. Tigrul este recunoscut dupa blana sa roscata cu dungi negre transversale. Coada in schimb este inelata alb cu negru. Masculul masoara aproape 3 m lungime, coada fiind de 1 m si cantareste circa 200 kg. Partenera lui are aproximativ 2,7 m si cantareste in jur de 140 kg. Tigrul nu este prea inalt; inaltimea lui este de aproximativ 1 m, avand picioarele scurte, cu gheare. Cu toate acestea, el este foarte agil si atinge o viteza de peste 50 km/h cand fuge sa-si prinda prada. Victimele sunt animale erbivore din arealul sau. Tigrul isi urmareste prada de la distanta, apoi incearca sa izoleze una in grupul in care se afla, dupa care trece la atac. Odata victima ramasa singura, e doar o chestiune de timp pana sa cada in coltii tigrului. Aceasta felina are simtul mirosului si auzul foarte dezvoltate, ceea ce il ajuta la identificarea prazii....traducere in engleza. Va rog ajutați-mă am nevoie urgent
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his animal comes from a large family, Felidae, generally known as the feline. The tiger is closely related to the lion, panther,
jaguar, lynx, cat, etc., all part of the same family. Tiger is recognizable by its reddish fur with black stripes cross. Instead tail is white with black rings. The male measures about 3 m in length, the tail being 1 m and weighs 200 kg. His partner is around 2.7 m and weighs around 140 kg. Tiger is not too high; His height is about 1 m, with short legs, claw. However, he is very agile and reach a speed of 50 km / h when he fled to his prey. Victims are grazing animals in breeding area. Tiger pursues its prey from a distance, then try to isolate one in the group who are after passing attack. Once the victim left alone, it's just a matter of time before falling in tiger fangs. This cat has a highly developed sense of smell and hearing, which helps identify prey. sper ca te-am ajutat
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This animal comes from a big family , felidae , known under the name Feline. So , The tiger is related with the lion , leopard , panther , jaguar, hyena, cat etc. All of them being in the same family. The tiger is known by his rusty fur with black stripes. But his tail is lined with black and white. The male tiger is 3 metres long , his tail being 1 meter and it weighs around 200 kg. His partner is about 2,7 metres and is about 140 kg. The tiger is not really tall. His height is about 1 metre , having short legs with claws . With all that , he is really agile and runs 50 km/h when he is hunting. His prey is herbivore animals from his area. The tiger stalks his prey from distance , and then tries to izolate one animal from its herd/group , after he attacks. Once his prey stays alone , its only a matter of time until it gets in his jaws. This feline has its sense of smell and listening really high , which helps it to find the prey.
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