Engleza, întrebare adresată de doamnax4, 8 ani în urmă

Ajutati-ma aici urgent va rog!!! Dau coroana ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de St3fanUchiha

a) When he hear she was ill he call her at once

b) He take his driving licence last month and buy a car only two days later

c) While Mr&Ms Brown talk to Troy's teacher,their son walk outside

d) While the police still search the flat murder seek in a hiding-place on continent


a) When i talking to the office yesterday. I meeting John

b) It starting to rain when he playing in the garden

c) When he watching TV last night. Susan calling us.

d) I wanted to visit you last night. But you(aici n am stiut)

e) He reconizating me,altough i wearing sunglasses

f) When the scholgirl crossing the street. A bicyle hitting and injured yet.

Sper ca am fost defolos!!

doamnax4: multumesc!
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