Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Ajutati-ma !DAU COROANA !!!
1.Wich is the biggest city in the world / in Romania ?
2.Wich is the largest in the solar system ?
3.Wich is the heaviest land animal in the world ?
4.Wich is the tallest animal in the world ?
5.Wich is the longest river in Europe / in the world ?
6.Wich is the highest mountain in Europe / in the world ?
7.Wich animal lives the longest ?
8.Wich country has the largest population in the world ?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de CrysstTM
1.The biggest city in the world is Tokio 2.The largest in the solar system is Jupiter 3.The heaviest land animal in the world is the elephant 4.The tallest animal in the world is the giraffe 5.The longest river in Europe is the Volga river 6.The highest mountaina in Europe are the Alpi mountain 7. The most longevive animal is a shell 8.the most populated country is obviously China

Utilizator anonim: mersi
CrysstTM: Cu placere
Utilizator anonim: dar nu cumva Tokio este in alta tara ?????
CrysstTM: Cel mai mare din Romania e Bucuresti iar din lume tokio
Utilizator anonim: aha
Utilizator anonim: stii ca mie nu mi se arata acolo sa iti dau coroana ?
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