Engleza, întrebare adresată de mariuca48915, 8 ani în urmă

Ajutați ma va rog! Dau coroana!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de charleyavery218

1. If i did well in the exam, my parent will buy me an MP3 player.

2. If my sister borrows my clothes again, i will scream!

3. We'll leave at six o'clock if the weather wasn't bad.

4. They don't mind if we're a bit late this afternoon.

5. Sarah will be very annoyed if Dave doesn't call her (nu se mai vede:(*

6. Will you still go to the concert if the tickets costs 60 euros?

7. If Rania doesn't come to the party, will Greg be upset?

8. I'll be surprised if Doug and Dania doesn't get a new car (nu se mai vede:(*

mariuca48915: Multumesc frumoss
Mih2007: Atentie, este vorba despre prima conditie a lui if!!!! Prezent simplu in propozitia cu if, iar in secundara viitor simplu!!!!
Răspuns de Mih2007
1. If I do well....
2...... I will scream
3. ..... if the weather is bad
4. They won’t mind....
5. ..... doesn’t call her....
6. .... if the tickets costs....
7. ..... will Greg be upset?
8. ..... don’t get...
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