Engleza, întrebare adresată de dascal89, 8 ani în urmă

Ajutati-ma va rog la acest exercitiu !


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de marcela16

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The hare lost the race because it was too sure that it will win .

Răspuns de iakabcristina2
În ordine, cum urmează :
A hare who is very sure that he can run quickly says to the tortoise :
"Let's run a race."
"Let's." answers the tortoise. The hare runs quickly, and when he looks back, he does not see the tortoise.
"She can't run quickly. " thinks the hare, so I may rest here.
And he sits down to rest. Soon the hare falls asleep. But the tortoise doesn't rest for a minute. When the hare gets up, he runs quickly, but it is too late. The tortoise wins the race.
When one is too sure of himself he often falls.
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