Engleza, întrebare adresată de panuelos, 8 ani în urmă

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"Being a team worker is more important than to be a brilliantly creative person".

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Cocaine69
Personally, I think being a talented individual is more important than being a team worker, but that’s probably because most of the jobs I’ve had involved being tasked with projects and carrying on with the attitude to “make it happen”. I then temper that with respect for other people. It works. The notion of team becomes vague if there’s no difference between the group of people you are supposed to work with and simply the other people that are working on the project. Being a team requires an authentic commitment to rules, leadership, consequences for failure, and good faith. But typically, team is a buzzword for herding people together and getting them moving along at the same pace, and has more to do with managing employees in groups to pool resources.
Răspuns de Addasv
Being a team worker is a very important aspect in today's job market and I think that it is even more crucial than being a brilliantly creative person for the following reasons. 
First of all team work is a skill required in all domains. Being able to correctly do your job in the midst of other 39 people doing theirs and not over step your bounds or do someone else's work is very tricky. So knowing how to navigate the social interactions and being kind and understanding proves to be very helpful in these cases. 
Secondly most people who are brilliantly creative are very difficult people to work with. It is not unknown that people who show an abnormal level in an aptitude, being science or letters have other qualities lacking in other domains, such as social interactions or empathy. Therefore it is hard for them to fit in a work environment. 
In conclusion trying to become a team player shoud be on everyone's to do list if they wish to find a good job in the world we live in today.

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