Engleza, întrebare adresată de decezhe098, 8 ani în urmă

ajutati-ma va rog pentru ca nu ma descirc cu eng


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AMI416queen
what did you enjoy most about school?
what did you like least?
what subjects are you studying this year?
when did you start at this school?
did you know anyone at this school when you first came?
Have ever you had any problems at school?
If yes,did you talk to a teacher about them?
if yes,was the teacher helpful and supportive?
Do you think anything could be improved at your school?
Did you receive any advice at school about what to do next year?

eu cred ca asa e bine.
sper ce ti-am fost de ajutor!

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
What did you enjoy most about school?
what did you like least?
what subjects are you studying this year?
when did you start at this school?
did you know anyone at this school when you first came?
Have ever you had any problems at school?
If yes,did you talk to a teacher about them?
if yes,was the teacher helpful and supportive?
Do you think anything could be improved at your school?
Did you receive any advice at school about what to do next year?
Alte întrebări interesante